Our curiosity and the documentary research that we devote in WUKALI to feed our …
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HistoryMiscellaneous newsNewsSciencesWorld & Society
A brief survey of Epidemics from Prehistoric period to COVID 19
From our archives, originally published in march 2020. Epidemics and pandemics, we thought they …
NewsSciencesWorld & Society
Ebola cells can remain hidden in the body time after the infected patients are supposed to be cured
While packs of motorized morons on both sides of the Atlantic demonstrate against the …
Animation movies & FilmsSciencesWorld & Society
The man who was afraid of falling, a philosophical demonstration ?
But what is this old man afraid of falling? Of the vertigo of heights, …
HistoryNewsSciencesWorld & Society
At the dawn of the XXIst century. “La French Theory” and American campuses. Erudition and know-how
Season 1. 1st part The twentieth century was an illustration of this. Massacres, wars, …
Have you seen this charming beast, the spinosaurus, which illustrates this article? Don’t think …
To ordinary people, most quantum theories seem strange, while others seem downright bizarre. There …