Today, our world is shattered from east to west, and we are caught in the vortex of uncertainty. Our bearings, our comfort and our security are now, as we say in English, “at risk”. A dictator in the Kremlin and a would-be extremist now in the White House, both threaten world peace. Putin and Trump, with the devious complicity of Xi Jinping in Beijing, are each exulting in their dreams of empire. The intangibility of borders, a notion that for decades has been at the heart of international law, was shattered when Russian tanks attacked Ukraine on February 24, 2022.
Holocaust denial, the revisiting of history, and even worse, complacency towards Nazi ideology, challenge democracy. Mortifying ideologies, under the pretext of religion, sow terror and weave their web across the entire planet, serving as a Trojan horse for those who dream of destroying the European ideal, democracy and the secularism that symbolizes our republic, with France the prime target.
More than ever, let’s evoke Bertold Brecht: “The womb is still fertile from which the foul beast has sprung”, and this is perfectly valid in the very heart of our democracies, right here in Europe, in France too, let’s open our eyes. Enemy disinformation and propaganda (I dare use the word!) are at work, amplified by social networks.
Without naivety, but with energy and courage, it’s time today, without delay, to respond as Frenchmen and Europeans to the provocation of the master of the Kremlin and the Trumpist treason. It’s also time for the French political class to pull itself together and stop this verbal incontinence, this politics of the ambitious – sterile, impotent carnivores in search of power – as well as this fracturing of theaters which, alas, too often characterize our parliamentary debates!
Nothing will ever be the same again!
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