David Reiland, the music director of the Orchestre national de Metz, will once again be offering a four-day orchestral conducting masterclass from July 10th to 13th 2022.
Six young male and female conductors in the early stages of their career will be selected on the merit of their application and benefit from quality working time with the Orchestre national de Metz and its music director.
With this project, David Reiland, himself a disciple of Dennis Russel Davies, Pierre Boulez, David Zinman, Bernard Haitink, Jorma Panula and Peter Gülke, now wishes to teach the highly demanding art of orchestral conducting, in close collaboration with the musicians of the Orchestre national de Metz. This project is part of the 2020-2024 action plan of the Unesco Creative Cities Network, which Metz has been a part of since 2019 concerning music.
July 10th-13th 2022

Andreas Geiger. Gravure en couleurs, 1846. BNF, bibliothèque-musée de l’Opéra.
The Grande Salle of the Arsenal concert hall, 3 avenue Ney, 57000 Metz (France)
Hector Berlioz
Symphonie Fantastique (49mn)
Igor Stravinsky
L’Oiseau de Feu, suite 1919 (23mn)
Sunday 10th July 2021
9.30am-12pm and 2-4.30pm: working session with David Reiland + piano
Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th 2022
9.30am-12pm and 2-4.30 pm: working sessions with David Reiland + orchestra 5pm-7.30pm: video debriefing with David Reiland
Wednesday 13th 2022
9.30am-12pm and 2-4.30 pm: working sessions with David Reiland + orchestra 5pm-7.30pm: video debriefing with David Reiland
8pm: public presentation of the work
All the working sessions will be open to the public and are likely to be filmed.

© Cyrille Guir
Selection criteria for the 6 candidates
Languages spoken: French, German, English, Spanish
Age limit: 35 years old
Gender parity will be respected when defining the group of participants.
=> The following documents must be sent in French or in English to the following e-mail address:
masterclass.metz@citemusicale- metz.fr
– Curriculum Vitae
– 1 to 2 photos (HD 300dpi)
– 1 to 2 recent and contrasted videos of max. 20 min of the candidate conducting an orchestra (video links)
Registration procedure
Deadline for submitting applications: April 30th 2022
Results will be communicated by May 31st 2022 at the latest.
The selection of the 6 candidates selected to lead the orchestra will be made based on the application by a jury made up of David Reiland and musicians from the National Orchestra of Metz, members of its artistic commission.
Registration fee for participants
(if successful): €200
The cost of travel, accommodation, meals and sheet music will be at the expense of the participants
Translation in French : click on the flag top page