But the cat came back the very next day.
The cat came back. They thought he was a goner,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn’t stay away

Au départ c ‘est une petite contine, une de ces petites chansons que l’on chante aux enfants, puis cela sert de thème conducteur pour un scénario de dessin animé. C’est un Canadien, Cordell Barker, qui a l’idée d’inventer ce personnage et ce chat en 1988. Brassens, mon cher maître, aurait pu le nommer « gros dégueulasse« , il semble inspiré par Reiser, assez répugnant, deux tifs sur le caillou, des gobilles comme des litchis sortis de la boîte de conserve, le futal trop grand sur un ventre obèse, un pif bourgeonnant comme celui d’un pinardier obscène et une bouche, je ne vous dis que cela, comme une tinette à raclures…

Il n en faut pas plus, un sujet très simple: un jour un personnage que l’on nommera Old Mr. Johnson ( le vieux Monsieur Johnson) se voit offrir un chaton jaune. Dérangé par cette bestiole inopportune, il décide de s’en débarrasser… Bien entendu l’illustration sonore est toute trouvée et cela est parti pour 7 minutes de fantaisie et d’humour. C’est charmant, amusant, bien fait, sans génie peut-être mais bien ficelé, les couleurs sont raffinées, l’ensemble est bien rythmé et équilibré. Que demander de plus !

Pierre-Alain Lévy

Olécio partenaire de Wukali

Paroles de la contine :

The Cat Came Back
Old Mr. Johnson had problems of his own.
He had a little cat that just wouldn’t leave his home.
He tried and he tried to give the cat away.
He gave it to a little man going far far away…
But the cat came back the very next day.
The cat came back. They thought he was a goner

But the cat came back. He just wouldn’t stay away.
He gave it to a man going in a balloon he said he’d take it away it didn’t go very far… But the cat came the very next day the cat came back they thought he was a goner. But the came back. he just wouldn’t stay away. He gave it to a little boy for a five-dollar note.
He told the boy to take the cat up river on a boat.
The boat turned over and was never found,

And now they drag the river for the little boy who drowned…
But the cat came back the very next day.
The cat came back. They thought he was a goner
But the cat came back. He just wouldn’t stay away.
The man around the corner said he’d shoot the cat on sight.
He loaded up his shotgun full of nails and dynamite.
He waited… and he waited… ’till the cat came walking round

And ninety-nine pieces of the man was all they found…
But the cat came back the very next day.
The cat came back. They thought he was a goner
But the cat came back. He just wouldn’t stay away.
He gave it to a man going way out west.
Told him to take it to the one he loved the best.
First the train hit the curb…then it jumped the rail…
Not a soul was left… to tell the gruesome tale…

But the cat came back the very next day.
The cat came back. They thought he was a goner,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn’t stay away.
The H-bomb fell the other next day.
The A-bomb fell in the exact same way.
First Russia! Then China! And then the USA.
The entire human race was left without a chance to pray…

But the cat came back the very next day.
The cat came back. They thought he was a goner,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn’t stay away.

WUKALI 18/02/2017(première présentation:13/08/2016)
*Courrier des lecteurs *] : [redaction@wukali.com
Illustration de l’entête: capture d’écran

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