Season 1. 1st part The twentieth century was an illustration of this. Massacres, wars, …
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Books, Arts, Stage
A series of 15 articles to come in WUKALI: The XXth century, a century of iron and blood.
This is a series of 15 articles devoted to contemporary history that WUKALI is …
BooksBooks, Arts, StageHistory
France under the Regency, Madame de Staal-Delaunay’s Memoirs
par Félix Delmaspar Félix DelmasThere is not a study on the Regency or the Regent that does not …
We have endeavored, in five chapters highlighting aspects of ancient Roman civilization, to show …
Exhibitions & Art History
Michelangelo’s David and Piéta Rondanini
par Jacques Tcharnypar Jacques TcharnyThe most powerful sculptor in history is Michelangelo (1475-1564). This is evidently recognized by …
Deep inside radioscopy within the Roman Empire. (4) Daily life in Rome at the height of the empire
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanWhen the great historian Jérôme Carcopino, cousin of novelist Francis Carco, published “Daily life …
Deep inside radioscopy within the Roman Empire. (3). “When our world became Christian »*
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanNow let’s take a step back in time, projecting ourselves from the reign of …
Radioscopy of the Roman Empire. (1) Strategic, offensive-defensive and diplomacy deployment
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanWith this study due to Jacques Trauman, we begin in WUKALI a series of …
Animation movies & FilmsHistory
A remarkable Korean film about Japanese suicide bombers and their Korean auxiliaries
It is not the first time in this section that I have dealt with …