The title of this book translated in French is : Espions en révolution subtitled: …
Robert Paxton evokes the origins of his historical researches about Vichy regime and the Jews
In our Press and Documentation database, the Online review K. which defines itself as …
The XXth century, a century of iron and blood. Stalin’s wishful thinkings about USSR and Nazi Germany. (Season1/ episode 4)
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanAn improbable encounter November 10,1940 Molotov was practically the only one in Stalin’s entourage …
The XXth century. A century of blood and iron. Stalin. Political Trials (1/3)
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanAh, that beautiful evening ! December 18th, 1935 Stalin’s birthday. The evening was “loud …
The XXth century, a century of iron and blood. Stalin. A train full of bodies (Season 1 Part 2)
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanThe war in Ukraine has turned our outlook upside down, challenged our political ready-made …
The XXth century, a century of iron and blood. Stalin. (Season 1 Part1)
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanSuch a nice team Let us look back, however briefly, to the late 20th …
Kafka’s line is accessible again: hundreds of drawings are freely available from the National …
For four or even five decades after the Second World War, a whole range …
An incredible and tremendous work carried out under the leadership of French historian, Florent …
Fascinating Middle Ages, a new glance over this period
par Félix Delmaspar Félix DelmasFor several decades, thanks to the works of Le Goff, Leroy Ladurie, Régine Pernoud …