Suicide, an emotional subject not easy to deal with
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Archives 2011-2020
Exhibition: In the private and sweet vicinity of Toulouse-Lautrec
A survey of different aspects of the Japanese power system
Genesis of the Jewish community in Metz
Archives 2011-2020
Une biographie du maréchal Berthier par Franck Favier
par Félix Delmaspar Félix DelmasA very instructive biography about one of the most faithful and best Napoleon’s Marshals
Archives 2011-2020
Henri Beyle, la Sibylle et deux syndromes
par Pierre Dambrinepar Pierre DambrineWhen Stendhal suffered gout in Firenze
Archives 2011-2020HistoireMonde & Société
Ferdinand de Lesseps. Le dégagisme, une passion française
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanWhen French engineers and financiers wanted to unify Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean by …
An impressive historical research about one of the most famous Roman emperors
The importance to be earnest when tackling with contemporary history
Comparison between two famous Dutch painters, Pieter de Hooch and Johannes Vermeer