A provocative female character who inspired generations of artists all over art history
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Archives 2011-2020
Archives 2011-2020
David Fray joue Mozart avec l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Marseille
par Pétra Wauterspar Pétra WautersIn Aix-en -Provence, music flows with joy everywhere
Suicide, an emotional subject not easy to deal with
Exhibition: In the private and sweet vicinity of Toulouse-Lautrec
A survey of different aspects of the Japanese power system
Genesis of the Jewish community in Metz
Archives 2011-2020
Une biographie du maréchal Berthier par Franck Favier
par Félix Delmaspar Félix DelmasA very instructive biography about one of the most faithful and best Napoleon’s Marshals
Archives 2011-2020
Henri Beyle, la Sibylle et deux syndromes
par Pierre Dambrinepar Pierre DambrineWhen Stendhal suffered gout in Firenze
Archives 2011-2020HistoireMonde & Société
Ferdinand de Lesseps. Le dégagisme, une passion française
par Jacques Traumanpar Jacques TraumanWhen French engineers and financiers wanted to unify Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean by …
An impressive historical research about one of the most famous Roman emperors