That’s all folks isn’t it, a banana story !
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Archives 2011-2020
A master pianist
Archives 2011-2020
Angelin Prejolcaj avec fusion, beauté, nostalgie et émotion
par Pétra Wauterspar Pétra WautersContemporary dance, from top to toe with beauty, vibrance and emotion
Fantastic research in neuroscience
Cosy interiors and ordinary scenes of daily life in Netherlands during the 17th century
When nationalism started to split apart Europe and populations were dismantled on both sides …
Centre Pompidou-Metz new Director
Literary and humoristic theatrical performance about French grammar
Archives 2011-2020
Bouchta Saïdoun au Théâtre Toursky dans « Sois un homme mon fils ! »
par Pétra Wauterspar Pétra WautersA play about immigration, homophobia, humour and dignity