A city guide devoted to Aix-en-Provence
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Pétra Wauters
A showman loved by teenagers and their parents and studied at school!
Archives 2011-2020
Machine de cirque, droit du Québec, drôle et culotté!
par Pétra Wauterspar Pétra WautersCircus in its new glory
Archives 2011-2020
Harry Callahan, French archives, Aix-en-Provence 1957-1958
par Pétra Wauterspar Pétra WautersA famous American photographer spotting Aix en Provence in France
A French diva, a “generous temperament” and “agile and radiant voice »
Victor Hugo a poet, a playwright, a genius, far more, a man and such …
Archives 2011-2020
Renaud Capuçon et Lausanne Soloists en exclusivité
par Pétra Wauterspar Pétra WautersRenaud Capuçon, smart, elegant and so romantic a musician !
Superb French music played by two brilliant, young and generous musicians
Archives 2011-2020
Nouvelles Pièces courtes, du très grand Philippe Decouflé
par Pétra Wauterspar Pétra WautersOn the wings of dreams with Decouflé, French choreographer, dancer, mime artist, and theatre …
Archives 2011-2020
Le grand débat Mitterand- Chirac retransmis au Toursky
par Pétra Wauterspar Pétra WautersIntermingling politics, theater and literature, a French parangon